


Dear staff of African Oil Gas Project,
      We will soon welcome the Spring Festival of the Year of Monkey, one of the most important traditional Chinese festivals. At the threshold of the Monkey Year implying good fortune and wellbeing, I will extend the cordial regards on behalf of Golden Concord Holdings Limited and all the shareholders! 
      每逢佳節(jié)倍思親。在春節(jié)這個(gè)特別的日子里,我們特別掂記著遠(yuǎn)隔重洋的非洲員工們,牽掛你們的工作,關(guān)心你們的健康,祈福你們的安全。2015 年,你們肩負(fù)重任,遠(yuǎn)離家鄉(xiāng),在人跡罕至的不毛之地踏遍千山萬(wàn)水,吃盡千辛萬(wàn)苦,探索千方百計(jì),艱苦奮戰(zhàn),無(wú)悔奉獻(xiàn),促進(jìn)了協(xié)鑫海外油氣業(yè)務(wù)的實(shí)質(zhì)性進(jìn)展。埃塞-吉布提石油天然氣項(xiàng)目被國(guó)家正式納入“一帶一路”項(xiàng)目?jī)?chǔ)備庫(kù); 9 月 4 日,在國(guó)務(wù)院總理李克強(qiáng)和埃塞俄比亞政府總理海爾馬里亞姆的見(jiàn)證下,協(xié)鑫與訪華的埃塞代表團(tuán)簽訂了《管道開(kāi)發(fā)框架協(xié)議》,保利協(xié)鑫石油天然氣集團(tuán)獲得了在埃塞歐佳登地區(qū)獨(dú)家運(yùn)營(yíng)油氣管道的權(quán)利;第一口評(píng)價(jià)井已經(jīng)完鉆,第二口評(píng)價(jià)井正在鉆探中,已發(fā)現(xiàn)了三套油氣顯示,項(xiàng)目投產(chǎn)指日可待。
      People always miss their families more on festive occasions. Particularly, in the Chinese New Year, I miss you, our staff in Africa far away from us in China: I am concerned about your work, your health, your safety and your wellbeing. In 2015, it was you who left your hometown, traveling a lot to the untraversed place just for the responsibility on your shoulders. It was you who went through hardships, working hard and devoting yourselves without regret to eventually make progress in the development of GCL’s oil and gas business overseas. Ethiopia-Djibouti Oil and Natural Gas Project has been brought into the project reserve pool of “One Belt, One Road”; On September 4, witnessed by Li Keqiang, Premier of State Council and Haier Maryam, Premier of Ethiopia, Pipeline Development Framework Agreement was signed by GCL and the Ethiopian delegation, which marks that GCL-Poly acquired the right of exclusive operation of the oil and gas pipeline in Ogaden, Ethiopia; The first appraisal well has been finished drilling and the second is under exploration. Besides, three sets of oil and gas shows have been detected and the commissioning of the project can be expected soon.
      As you are becoming more and more experienced in the extension of the overseas market, you also make greater and greater achievements even on the ordinary posts. The project reserve pool of “One Belt, One Road” added glory to our country; The oil and gas industry, as one of the four principle development highlights of the group, has brought more opportunities for GCL in the market. GCL people will never forget what you have done. In fact, every progress you made represents the spirit of the Chinese people and China GCL. Now, allow me to pay tribute to you for your extraordinary contributions in the remote area and for your sacrifice for the collective interests on behalf of all the GCL people. Thank you for your selfless dedications!
      我們即將迎來(lái)的農(nóng)歷丙申猴年,有著豐富的寓意。在中華文化中,美猴王孫悟空不僅代表著機(jī)智、聰敏,更有一種不懼困難、堅(jiān)持向自己的目標(biāo)勇往直前的美德。今年是國(guó)家“十三五”規(guī)劃開(kāi)局之年,我們?cè)谧鎳?guó)過(guò)節(jié),你們依然在按當(dāng) 地時(shí)間堅(jiān)守崗位,希望油汽板塊在非洲的負(fù)責(zé)人,和大家一起認(rèn)真總結(jié)經(jīng)驗(yàn),以“金猴奮起千鈞棒,玉宇澄清萬(wàn)里埃”的氣概,在主動(dòng)適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展“新常態(tài)”中,全面落實(shí)集團(tuán)年度經(jīng)營(yíng)工作會(huì)議各項(xiàng)部署,拋開(kāi)各種后顧之憂,闊步邁向新的一年。節(jié)日期間,既要注重安全管理,抓好安全生產(chǎn)和經(jīng)營(yíng),確保人身和集體財(cái)產(chǎn)的安全,又要精心安排好大家的后勤生活,如有家屬子女到那里過(guò)節(jié)的,尤需悉心照料,使他們同樣體驗(yàn)到家的溫馨,除夕之夜務(wù)必向他們帶去我的一聲問(wèn)候。
      The Bingshen Year of Monkey in the Chinese lunar calendar is coming. Monkey implies rich in the Chinese culture. Sun Wukong, the Monkey King is not only a symbol of wisdom and cleverness but also a virtue—never afraid of any difficulties to go for the goal. 2016 is the first year of the “13th Five-Year Plan” of China. When we are celebrating the Spring Festival here in China, you still have to be on duty in the foreign countries. I wish that the principals of our oil and gas project in Africa can comprehensively implement every step of the deployment proposed in the annual operation conference of the group to adapt to the “New Normal” of the economic growth by summarizing our previous experiences with the spirit of “the golden Monkey King who is waving his stick to clear all the dirties in the world”. Let’s set aside fears and stride to the New Year. During the festival, please pay attention to the security in production and operation to ensure the personal and property safety. Besides, we should take good care of the staff and their relatives who will be there spending the festival, to make them feel the warmth as if they were at home. Remember to take my regards to them on the New Year Eve!
      2月8日,恰逢伊斯蘭教的重要節(jié)日——圣紀(jì)節(jié),也是埃塞俄比亞和吉布提的國(guó)家節(jié)日。  中外兩節(jié)同日,堪稱盛事,誠(chéng)望你們求同存異,克服人文背景、風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣等方面的差異,在與所在國(guó)人民相互融合的基礎(chǔ)上,利用一切條件,營(yíng)造中國(guó)氛圍,融進(jìn)中國(guó)特色,既把春節(jié)和圣紀(jì)節(jié)打造成一個(gè)中外文化交匯、塑造協(xié)鑫品牌的節(jié)日,又過(guò)上一個(gè)中華文化傳統(tǒng)濃郁的歡樂(lè)佳節(jié)。我們牽掛你們,在國(guó)內(nèi)的家人同樣思念你們,你們一定要借助現(xiàn)代通訊手段,給家人拜年,讓他們聽(tīng)到鄉(xiāng)音、看到身影,并轉(zhuǎn)達(dá)我對(duì)他們的問(wèn)候和敬意。
      On February 8, the Islamic people will also celebrate Mawlid, the important festival which is also the natural festival of Ethiopia and Djibouti. It will definitely be a grand occasion—the festivals of the Chinese and the Islamic people will be celebrated on the same day. I sincerely wish that you can seek common ground while reserving differences, trying your best to create the Chinese flavor with Chinese features to make the coming Feb 8 a day blending the specialties of both the Spring Festival and Mawlid, a festival prominent for the Chinese culture with GCL trademark. We miss you, as much as your families in China. Please remember to make a New Year call to your family with the modern communication tools and please also forward my most sincere regards to them.
      Wish you all health and good luck in the Year of Monkey!
     協(xié)鑫(集團(tuán))控股有限公司董事長(zhǎng)   朱共山
Chairman of Golden Concord Holdings Limited 
      2016年2月7日Feb 7, 2016